Parsing the Fed: How the September Statement Changed from July


The Federal Reserve releases a statement at the conclusion of each of its policy-setting meetings, outlining the central bank’s economic outlook and the actions it plans to take. Fed watchers closely parse changes between statements to see how the Fed’s views are evolving.

This tool compares the latest statement with its immediate predecessor and highlights where policy makers have updated their language. This is the September statement compared with July.

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Fed’s Powell Says Economy Likely Will Need More Government Spending, Low Interest Rates (Sept. 4)

Fed Approves Shift on Inflation Goal, Ushering In Longer Era of Low Rates (Aug. 27)

Fed Officials Warn Pandemic Response Is Hobbling Economic Rebound (Aug. 12)

Covid Supercharges Federal Reserve as Backup Lender to the World (Aug. 3)

Fed Outlook Turns Gloomier as Coronavirus Spreads (July 27)