Saudi Arabia pushes for more jobs for locals in restaurants, cafes, grocery stores

Sun, 2021-10-03 09:27

Saudi Arabia implemented additional measures to oblige restaurants, cafes, and grocery shops owners to employ more Saudi nationals.

Under the new measures, which came into effect on October 2, restaurants inside malls and commercial centers must see Saudis making 40 percent of their employees, while those outside of malls will have a target of 20 percent, according to a statement from the ministry of human resources and social development.

قرارات توطين أنشطة المطاعم والمقاهي وتوطين التموينات والأسواق المركزية تدخل حيز التنفيذ.

— وزارة الموارد البشرية والتنمية الاجتماعية (@HRSD_SA) October 2, 2021

The targets for cafes are even higher with 50 percent inside malls and 30 percent outside.

Under the Vision 2030 plan, Saudi Arabia is stepping up efforts to lower unemployment rate for Saudis by pushing for more jobs in the private sector.

The ministry, however, is exempting some jobs from the new regulations, such as food preparation and catering services.

The Saudis unemployment rate fell to 11.3 percent in the second quarter from a year ago, reaching the lowest level since the second quarter of 2016, official data showed.


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