stc develops use cases to enhance digital health and road safety


RIYADH: The Saudi Telecom Co. has developed use cases to enhance digital health and road safety, a senior representative said.

Speaking to Arab News on the sidelines of the Global AI Summit in Riyadh, Saud Alsheraihi, stc’s product and solutions vice president, said that the use cases will help the company establish a foothold in the artificial intelligence industry.

One of the use cases was to train machines and algorithms to provide diagnoses and predictions on health. “We want to be an example and show examples of the potential that we can do on top of our infrastructure,” he said.

Another use case was road safety predictions, such as predicting what would happen if the speed of a road in Riyadh increased by a certain amount.

“That will help decision makers big time because before they increase the speed limits on that road, they can predict and know exactly what we should do and how we can do that,” Alsheraihi added.

stc, Alsheraihi explained, is embarking on more digital and AI-related projects as a part of its DARE strategy. DARE stands for: Digitize stc, accelerate core asset performance, reinvent customer experience at world-class standards, and expand aggressively scale and scope. stc established it in 2018 with the aim of becoming a digital leader in the world by providing innovative services. “We are here as an extension of our DARE strategy where we are expanding in scope and scale, and one of the areas where we see ourselves in is actually AI,” Alsheraihi said.

As artificial intelligence becomes a part of multiple technologies, stc sees the complementarity of 5G edge computing, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and other services it provides, Alsheraihi said.

stc’s financial and logistics sectors are benefiting from digitization by improving efficiency, increasing revenues, and improving safety and security in their operations, he added.

stc has also created a cybersecurity subsidiary called sirar by stc which offers a comprehensive range of cybersecurity products and services that help businesses manage digital risks effectively, achieve compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and enable a robust and secure digital transformation journey.

Alsheraihi said that sirar focuses mainly on the enterprise sector.