Which winter sports are safest to play during COVID-19?


Which winter sports are safest to play during the pandemic?

The best physical activities for limiting the risk of coronavirus infections are the ones you do alone or with members of your household, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Staying active during the pandemic is important for mental and physical health, says Dr. Michael Terry, who specializes in sports medicine at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Winter activities that limit the risk of infection include individual sports such as skiing, snowshoeing, and figure skating, he says.

With solo activities, such as running or skiing, Terry says to “be courteous” by wearing a mask and distancing yourself when you pass others.


There are also ways to mitigate risks if you choose an activity that involves other people, he says. Wear a mask, try to socially distance and wash your hands. Also avoid sharing equipment, the CDC says.

For one-on-one sports like squash or basketball, limit who you play with, preferably to someone in your household.

Contact sports like hockey or wrestling with people who live outside of your household raise the possibility of spreading the virus.


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